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Community Input and Next Steps for Town Center: Spring 2023

Century Communities

Updated: Dec 1, 2023

Last updated: 10/2/23

October 2, 2023

Dear East Garrison Neighbors,

We hope you all had an excellent summer! As you might recall, we last checked in with you during the June 27th Community Town Hall Meeting via Zoom which focused primarily on Parking. Since its been a few months , we wanted to send out this brief update.

We have been busy over the summer months working closely with the County of Monterey Housing and Community Development Department, the Fire Department and our consultant team regarding the various development requirements, planning documents and agreements that will need to be amended and approved by the County for the East Garrison Final Phase Century has proposed.

The following has occurred since June:

  • June 16th – Century submitted formal applications and deposits to the County.

  • July 7th – Century submitted the Specific Plan Amendment and other materials to the County for their intial review.

  • August 9th – County’s Housing and Community Development Department provided a response letter to Century and requested additional information to support the Final Phase proposal and Specific Plan Amendment application.

  • August 21st – County’s Successor Agency provided an additional response letter to Century requesting further analysis and information regarding the changes to any Entitlement Agreements that will also need to be approved by the County. Century is currently preparing the additional analysis and information requested.

  • September 8th – Century submitted the additional information requested by the County in their August 9th letter and we are awaiting the County’s feedback and determination as to whether more information is needed or that the application has been deemed complete.

Next steps and timing: Once the application and materials have been deemed complete by the County, the formal public hearing process begins which includes public noticing and comment period, planning commission hearings, Board of Supervisors hearings and other public meetings as determined necessary by the County. We are hoping this process will take place over the next 4-6 months and will keep you informed throughout. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Thank you,

Century Communities

6/27 TownHall Meeting about Parking in Phase 4 This Town Hall meeting was held Zoom on 6/27 regarding the Final Phase Draft Parking Analysis. At the meeting, Kimley Horn Consultants presented their draft analysis and community input was heard. This was the second Zoom Town Hall meeting regarding parking in order to give residents an update on the Draft report’s findings and to obtain further resident input and answer questions. Additionally, an update on the overall planning process, next steps and timeline was provided Meeting Recording is here.

If you have any follow up questions/comments, please contact Keith McCoy at:

DRAFT Phase 4 plan East Garrison
DRAFT Phase 4 Plan- East Garrison

Message from Century Communities on April 19, 2023

Dear East Garrison Neighbors,

Update on the Final Phase East Garrison planning process:

1. County Mtgs – Since February, we have been meeting regularly with County Senior Staff on a variety of topics related to the Final Phase. As requested by the Board of Supervisors, the County is hiring an outside planning firm to assist Staff to expedite the overall planning process. The consultant has now been identified and a scope of work and reimbursment agreement between the County and Century is currently being prepared.

2. Parking Analysis – On March 14th, Kimley-Horn Associates (KHA) facilitated an East Garrison Town Hall Zoom Mtg focused on Parking. A recording of this meeting can be found here: KHA received excellent community input that evening which is informing the Parking Analysis.

3. Final Phase Plan Refinements - Century along with their planning and engineering teams have been diligently fine tuning the Plan. These plans will go through a pre-development technical review process with the County and other Agency’s (e.g. Monterey County Fire Department and Marina Coast Water District) and then will be shared with the community.

4. Upcoming Meetings – Century will host another Community meeting via Zoom or possibly in person sometime later this Spring or Early Summer to share the results of the various plan updates, parking analysis currently underway and to receive community feedback.

5. Historic Buildings – The County and Artspace are currently working on a plan to engage residents on the future uses and timing of the historic buidlings and will be communicating with the community about this soon.

Please keep checking the East Garrison HOA website for future meeting dates and times!

Thank you,

Century Communities


Topic: Parking

3/14/23, Tuesday, at 7pm, via Zoom. See the recording.

Message from Century Communities on 2/14/23:

Dear East Garrison Neighbors,

We are pleased to let you know that on January 24th, 2023 the County of Monterey Board of Supervisors directed County Staff to expedite the planning process for the Final Phase at East Garrison! Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts with the Board and we look forward to continuing our engagement with the community as we finalize plans and work through the public hearing process.

Currently, we are analyzing many of the concerns we heard from you including parking, circulation, solar orientation, infrastructure, etc. We will be holding additional community and resident meetings in March and April to share plan refinements and solicit more feedback.

Please keep checking the East Garrison HOA website for future meeting dates and times!

Thank you, Century Communities

East Garrison Phase 4 timeline

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