Dear East Garrison Neighbors,
As you may already know, Century Communities has been preparing a proposal to expedite the construction and completion of East Garrison by modifying the final phase, which consists of vacant areas owned by Century. We have met and collaborated with residents of East Garrison, Artspace/Arts Habitat, and the County of Monterey over the past year to create a viable plan that reflects current market conditions and that will facilitate the implementation of the original vision for East Garrison.
Key modifications being proposed include:
1. Relocating 66 Artspace rental affordable live/work units to the south side of the Town Square and building compact single-family homes on the par-cels flanking the Arts Park.
2. 30,000 square feet of flexible commercial space on the ground floor be-low the Artspace affordable units.
3. Infilling the parcel to the north of the Town Square with rowhouses, with the units facing the park having workspace and shopfronts.
4. Replacing high-density condominiums with compact single-family homes.
These modifications are in the spirit of the approved framework and zoning of the East Garrison Specific Plan and Pattern Book but must be reviewed and approved by the County of Monterey.
Some of the benefits these proposed changes will provide include:
1. Activating the Town Square
2. Accelerating final phase of East Garrison and construction of the Town Square
3. Increasing the flexibility of commercial spaces to accommodate a variety of uses (including a potential grocery store)
4. Allowing for a better, more cost-efficient building type for Artspace
5. Moving Artspace location to achieve necessary Low-Income Housing Tax Credit funding
To learn more about the proposal, we have scheduled a “Drop-In” Open House on Saturday, January 21, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm at the East Garrison Fire Station, and an informational meeting has been scheduled with the County Board of Supervisors for Tuesday, January 24, 2023, to review our concept and obtain their initial feedback.
We look forward to continuing to work with the County of Monterey, residents of East Garrison, and Artspace/Arts Habitat to complete the vision for East Garrison as a mixed-income/mixed-use pedestrian-oriented community.
Dean Mills
Century Communities
Approved Town Square Plan

Download the full newsletter pdf provided by Century Communities on Jan. 9, 2023

Century may be the Developer, but theirs is NOT the only Town Center plan... Visit to learn more, be a part of the process, and communicate with our Monterey County Board of Supervisors.
Fellow East Garrison homebuyers and residents, How do you see yourself in East Garrison’s future? As you will see below, the East Garrison Resident’s Plan B has a lot more to offer you and our community than Century’s proposed 2022 Concept. Picture this:
If you want to be able to share a bottle of wine with a group of friends while watching a performance in the future Town Center Park Amphitheater, Plan B offers you the most options to do so.
If you are a resident of the future Town Center affordable housing and want to park close to your home after work at night, Plan B offers you the most options for finding a parking space - before having…
Moving ArtSpace to the Town Center?.. Not a bad idea. Making the Town Center now dependent on Tax Credit funding when originally it was supposed to be fully funded via Bond? How is that "better" for residents? How will that expedite the process? What if Tax Credits are delayed? Will the Town Center ever get built? You could literally build the Town Center as proposed in the Specific Plan, right now. Why call these new changes the only way forward?