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Call for Broom Bash volunteers

Want to eradicate invasive French Broom around East Garrison? Join Mayor Bruce Delgado and other volunteers. Pre-register 5+ days in advance at

Have you noticed a dramatic increase in the amount of French Broom plants in and around East Garrison? This invasive Mediterranean shrub is displacing native plants at alarming rate. Consequently hummingbirds, butterflies and songbirds and other wildlife have less nutritious food sources. Very few animals use the broom for either food or shelter, and the seed can sicken or kill some wildlife. Broom infestation is a problem throughout the West and controlling this noxious weed is an ongoing challenge. Broom can grow in dense thickets that crowd out native species and serve as a potent seed bin for future infestations.

You can help! Join us for upcoming “Broom Bashes” in and around East Garrison. Each Bash will focus on broom eradication in a particular location. Volunteer “weed warriors” armed with “weed wrenches” will uproot broom plants and strive for 100% eradication. Treated areas will be later planted with local wildflowers and shrubs. Treated areas will also be monitored to prevent brooms from reestablishing. Pre-register 5 days in advance at See details at flyer below

Broom Bash Flyer 9_23
Download PDF • 795KB

John Mott: (831) 324-0277 or

More information about invasive weeds and their control is available at:

Thanks to those who volunteered at the 11/20/22 Broom Bash!

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